【题 目】Dynamics of submarine volcanic eruptions
【主讲人】Yen Joe Tan(陈衍佐) 博士
【时 间】2018年9月13日(星期四) 上午10:00
【地 点】中科院南海海洋所实验楼5楼会议室
【主持人】徐敏 研究员
摘要:Over 75% of the Earth’s volcanic activity happen on the seafloor, mostly at mid-ocean ridges. Mid-ocean ridge volcanism plays an important role in forming two-thirds of the Earth’s surface and in chemical exchange between the subseafloor and the overlying ocean which supports chemosynthetic biological communities. Despite mid-ocean ridges’ importance in our fundamental understanding of the Earth system, our knowledge of the dynamics of mid-ocean ridge eruptions is limited due to the difficulty of long-term monitoring on the seafloor. I will present results from in situ geophysical observation of two mid-ocean ridge eruptions. At the East Pacific Rise, a typical fast-spreading ridge, we find that the eruption was primarily controlled by the buildup of tectonic stress to a critical level. At Axial Seamount, a ridge-based hotspot volcano, we observe increased rate of magma influx into a segmented shallow magma reservoir weeks before the eruption. This suggests the eruption might have been triggered by magma overpressure in the shallow reservoir. Our observations present two end-member models of how mid-ocean ridge systems might evolve towards an eruption.