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【发布时间 Updated】:2018-06-13  |  【打印 Print】 【关闭 Close

谢露华 博士




电子邮箱: lhxie@gig.ac.cn







1. 国家自然科学基金项目:硫酸根三氧同位素激光氟化-质谱仪在线测试技术及应用于珠江河水硫酸根示踪研究(编号:41673009),2017-2020,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目:云南晋宁澄江动物群氧化还原环境的氮钼同位素及敏感元素研究(编号:41763002),2018-2021,骨干

3. 广州市科技计划项目:流溪河上游至珠江广州段河水硫酸盐和硝酸盐源汇的多种同位素示踪(编号:2018-1002-SF-0542),2018-2020,主持

4. 中科院广州地球化学研究所仪器设备功能开发项目:在线测试硝酸根三氧同位素的高温裂解装置研发(编号:GIG-GNKF-201604),2016-2018,主持


1. Dai S, Xie L*, Peng L, Yang H, Xu H*, Shen Q, Bi X, Zhang Y, Sun A, 2017. Determination of nitrogen and oxygen istopes in nitrates: a mini review. Analytical Letter, 50(13), doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2016.1265978.

2. Xie L*, Spiro B, Wei G, 2016. Purification of BaSO4 precipitate contaminated with organic matter for oxygen isotope measurements (δ18O and Δ17O). Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30, 1727-1733.

3. Ye F, Jia G*, Xie L, Wei G, Xu, J, 2016. Isotope constraints on seasonal dynamics of dissolved and particulate N in the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 121, doi:10.1002/2016JC012066.

4. Xiao H, Xie L, Long A, Ye F, Pan Y, Li D, Long Z, Chen L, Xiao H*, Liu C, 2015. Use of isotopic compositions of nitrate in TSP to identify sources and chemistry in South China Sea. Atmospheric Environment 109, 70-78.

5. Jia G*, Bai Y, Yang X, Xie L, Wei G, Ouyang T, Che G, Liu Z, Peng P, 2015. Biogeochemical evidence of Holocene East Asian summer and winter monsoon variability from a tropical maar lake in southern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 111, 51-61.

6. Wei G*, Ma J, Liu Y, Xie L, Lu W, Deng W, Ren Z, Zeng T, Yang Y, 2013. Seasonal Changes in the Radiogenic and Stable Strontium Isotopic Composition of Xijiang River Water: Implications for Chemical Weathering. Chemical Geology 343, 67-75.

7. Xie L, Wei G*, Deng W, Zhao X, 2011. Daily δ18O and δD of precipitations from 2007 to 2009 in Guangzhou, South China: Implications for changes of moisture sources. Journal of Hydrology 400(3-4), 477-489.

8. Wei G*, McCulloch MT, Mortimer G, Deng W, Xie L, 2009. Evidence for ocean acidification in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 2332-2346.

9. 谢露华*, 韦刚健, 邓文峰, 2009. 气体平衡法测定水的δD、δ18O 及其在冬季北海近岸水体示踪中的应用. 热带海洋学报 28(2), 42-47.

10. 谢露华*, 韦刚健, 2008. 南海北部滨珊瑚微结构的SEM分析及其对气候记录重建的意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 28(3), 1-8.

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