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李伟 研究员

Prof. Wei LI

【发布时间 Updated】:2018-06-14  |  【打印 Print】 【关闭 Close

李伟 博士




电子邮箱: wli@scsio.ac.cn







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:南海北部珠江口盆地海底蠕变区的形成机理及不稳定性研究,2019-2022,主持

2. 广东省国土资源厅珠江三角洲基底断裂探查研究项目,2017-2019,参加


1. Li, W.*, Krastel, S., Alves, T.M., Urlaub, M., Mehringer, L., Schürer, A., Feldens, P., Gross, F., Stevenson, C.J., Wynn, R.B., 2018. The Agadir Slide offshore NW Africa: Morphology, emplacement dynamics, and potential contribution to the Moroccan Turbidite System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, 436-449.

2. Wang, J.*, Wu, S., Kong, X., Ma, B., Li, W.*, Wang, D., Gao, J., Chen, W., 2018. Subsurface fluid flow at an active cold seep area in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. (In print).

3. Krastel, S.*, Li, W., Urlaub, M., Georgiopoulou, A., Wynn, R.B., Schwenk, T., Stevenson, C., Feldens, P., 2018. Mass wasting along the NW African continental margin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 477.

4. Li, W.*, Alves, T.M., Urlaub, M., Georgiopoulou, A., Klaucke, I., Wynn, R.B., Gross, F., Meyer, M., Repschläger, J., Berndt, C., Krastel, S., 2017. Morphology, age and sediment dynamics of the upper headwall of the Sahara Slide Complex, Northwest Africa: Evidence for a large Late Holocene failure. Marine Geology 393, 109-123.

5. Sun, Q.*, Alves, T., Xie, X., He, J., Li, W., Ni, X., 2017. Free gas accumulations in basal shear zones of mass-transport deposits (Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea): An important geohazard on continental slope basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology 81, 17-32.

6. Li, W., Alves, T.M., Wu, S.*, Rebesco, M., Zhao, F.*, Mi, L., Ma, B., 2016. A giant, submarine creep zone as a precursor of large-scale slope instability offshore the Dongsha Islands (South China Sea). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 451, 272-284.

7. Zhao, F., Alves, T.M., Wu, S. *, Li, W. *, Huuse, M., Mi, L., Sun, Q., Ma, B., 2016. Prolonged post-rift magmatism on highly extended crust of divergent continental margins (Baiyun Sag, South China Sea). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 445, 79-91.

8. Chen, D. *, Wang, X., Völker, D., Wu, S., Wang, L., Li, W., Li, Q., Zhu, Z., Li, C., Qin, Z., Sun, Q., 2016. Three dimensional seismic studies of deep-water hazard-related features on the northern slope of South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 77, 1125-1139.

9. Li, W., Alves, T.M., Wu, S.*, Völker, D., Zhao, F., Mi, L., Kopf, A., 2015. Recurrent slope failure and submarine channel incision as key factors controlling reservoir potential in the South China Sea (Qiongdongnan Basin, South Hainan Island). Marine and Petroleum Geology 64, 17-30.

10. Zhao, F., Alves, T.M., Li, W.*, Wu, S.*, 2015. Recurrent slope failure enhancing source rock burial depth and seal unit competence in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, offshore South China Sea. Tectonophysics 643, 1-7.

11. Qin, Z., Wu, S.*, Wang, D., Li, W., Gong, S., Mi, L., Spence, G., 2015. Mass transport deposits and processes in the north slope of the Xisha Trough, northern South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 34, 117-125.

12. Li, W., Wu, S., Völker, D., Zhao, F.*, Mi, L., Kopf, A., 2014. Morphology, seismic characterization and sediment dynamics of the Baiyun Slide Complex on the northern South China Sea margin. Journal of the Geological Society 171, 865–877.

13. Li, W.*, Wu, S., Wang, X., Zhao, F., Wang, D., Mi, L., Li, Q., 2014. Baiyun Slide and Its Relation to Fluid Migration in the Northern Slope of Southern China Sea, in: Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 105-115.

14. Zhao, F., Wu, S., Sun, Q.*, Huuse, M., Li, W., Wang, Z., 2014. Submarine volcanic mounds in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea. Marine Geology 355, 162-172.

15. 李伟,吴时国,王秀娟,王大伟,赵芳. 琼东南盆地中央峡谷上新统块体搬运沉积体系地震特征及其分布. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 2013, 33 (2), 9-15.


受邀担任<Marine Geology>,< Marine and Petroleum Geology >,<Journal of Asian Earth Sciences>,<Geological Journal>等国际刊物的审稿人。

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