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朱小畏 副研究员

A/ Prof. Xiaowei ZHU

【发布时间 Updated】:2024-04-28  |  【打印 Print】 【关闭 Close

朱小畏 博士




电子邮箱: miseraboy@126.com








1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,南海造礁珊瑚骨骼有机质组成和来源研究,54万元,2024-2027,主持

2. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,南海北部沿海底层水体溶解氧变化的沉积记录与影响因素,15万元,2024-2026,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,DJ礁体生物标志物与区域环境演化,2022-2025,主持

4. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,南科1珊瑚礁体生物标志物及其碳同位素组成分布特征及环境意义,10万元,2022-2024,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,二醇化合物在南海北部陆架区的地球化学特征与环境意义,24万元,2018-2020,主持


1. Zhu, X., Chen, F., Jia, G., Ping, P., Huang, H., Zhang, X., Yan, W., 2024. Steroid markers for species-specific Symbiodiniaceae: insights from molecular and d13C measurements on four scleractinian corals. Coral Reefs https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-024-02492-x.

2. Chen, F., Mao, S., Li, G., Tian, Y., Miao, L., Xu, W., Zhu, X*., Yan, W., 2024. Anthropogenic multipollutant input to the offshore South China Sea. Science of The Total Environment 916, 170228.

3. 陈芬, 黎刚, 朱小畏*, 颜文, 2023. 南海南沙海区沉积有机质分布特征及其指示意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质 43, 45-54.

4. Zhu, X., Jia, G., Tian, Y., Chen, F., Li, G., Xu, W., Miao, L., Yan, W., 2023. Ancient hydrocarbon slicks recorded by a coral atoll in the South China Sea. Chemical Geology 619, 121316.

5. Zhu, X., Li, G., Tian, Y., Xu, W., Miao, L., Liu, J., Luo, Y., Cheng, J., Zhang, L., Wang, S., Yan, W., 2022. Production of short-chain n-fatty acids in coral reefs in the southern South China Sea since the Late Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 592, 110898.

6. Zhu, X., Jia, G., Tian, Y., Mo, A., Xu, W., Miao, L., Xu, S., Yan, W., 2021. Photosynthetic production determines bottom water oxygen variations in the upwelling coastal South China Sea over recent decades. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 759317.

7. Zhu, X., Jia, G., Mao, S., Sun, Y., Wu, N., Tian, Y., Xu, W., Yan, W., 2020. Long chain 1,14-diols as potential indicators for upper water stratification in the open South China Sea. Ecological Indicators 110, 105900.

8. Zhu, X., Jia, G., Xu, W., Zheng, X., Liu, J., Tian, Y., Miao, L., Yan, W., 2020. Sedimentary records of nitrogen isotope in the western tropical Pacific linked to the eastern tropical Pacific denitrification during the last deglacial time. Geo-Marine Letters 40, 89-99.

9. Zhu, X., Mao, S., Sun, Y., Jia, G., Wu, N., Yan, W., 2019. Long chain diol index (LDI) as a potential measure to estimate annual mean sea surface temperature in the northern South China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 221, 1-7.

10. Zhu X., Jia G., Mao S., Yan W., 2018. Sediment records of long chain alkyl diols in an upwelling area of the coastal northern South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry 121, 1-9.

11. Zhu, X., Mao, S., Su, Y., Jia, G., Wu, N., Wu, D., Guan, H., Yan, W., 2018. Organic molecular evidence of seafloor hydrocarbon seepage in sedimentary intervals down a core in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 168, 155-162.

12. Mao, S., Zhu X*., Wu, N., Jia, G., Sun, Y., Guan, H., Wu, D.D., 2017. Alcohol compounds in Azolla imbricata and potential source implication for marine sediments. Science China Earth Sciences 60, 348-359.

13. Zhu X., Mao, S., Wu, N., Jia, G., Sun, Y., Guan, H., Wu, D.D., 2016. Detection and indication of 1,3,4-C27-29 triol in the sediment of northern South China Sea. Science China Earth Sciences 59, 1187-1194.

14. Zhu, X., Mao, S., Wu, N., Sun, Y., Guan, H.X., 2014. Molecular and stable carbon isotopic compositions of saturated fatty acids within one sedimentary profile in the Shenhu, northern South China Sea: Source implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 92, 262-275.

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