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黄云 博士


【发布时间 Updated】:2018-06-08  |  【打印 Print】 【关闭 Close

黄云 博士











1. 自然资源部海底科学重点实验室开放基金:孟加拉湾“源-汇”过程对末次冰消期极端冷事件的不同响应,KLSG21022021-2022,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:东北印度洋沉积记录对印度洋偶极子发育演化的响应研究,421760752022/01-2025/12,参加;

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:全新世金钉子型气候突变事件:我国季风湖泊记录,419311812020/01-2024/12,参加;

4. 国家重点研发计划项目:全新世亚洲季风变异与干旱演变及其驱动机制,2017YFA06034002017/07-2022/6,参加;


1. Huang, Y.*, Xiao, J., Xiang, R*., Liu, S., Khokiattiwong, S., Kornkanitnan, N., Fan, J., Wen, R., Zhang, S., Liu, J., 2020. Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon variations inferred from end-member modeling of sediment grain size in the Andaman Sea. Quaternary International 558, 28-38.

2. Fan, J.*, Xiao, J., Wen, R., Zhang, S., Huang, Y., Yue, J., Wang, X., Cui, L., Li, H., Xue, D., Liu, Y., 2019. Mineralogy and carbonate geochemistry of the Dali Lake sediments: Implications for paleohydrological changes in the East Asian summer monsoon margin during the Holocene. Quaternary International 527, 103-112.

3. He, W., Liu, J.*, Huang, Y., Cao, L., 2020. Sea Level Change Controlled the Sedimentary Processes at the Makran Continental Margin Over the Past 13,000 yr. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125.

4. Yang, Y., Xiang, R.*, Huang, Y., Liu, S., Liu, J., Khokiattiwong, S., Kornkanitnan, N., 2021. Meridional migration of Indian Ocean Monsoon precipitation during the early Holocene: Evidence from the Andaman Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 267.

5. Zhang, S.*, Xiao, J.*, Xu, Q., Wen, R., Fan, J., Huang, Y., Li, M., Liang, J., 2020. Contrasting impacts of the 8.2and 4.2ka abrupt climatic events on the regional vegetation of the Hulun Lake region in northeastern China. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 831-840.

6. Zhang, S., Xiao, J.*, Xu, Q., Wen, R., Fan, J., Huang, Y., Yamagata, H., 2018. Differential response of vegetation in Hulun Lake region at the northern margin of Asian summer monsoon to extreme cold events of the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews 190, 57-65.

7. 黄云,向荣*,刘升发,杨艺萍,刘建国.安达曼海沉积物粒度记录的全新世印度洋夏季风演化[J].热带海洋学报,201736(6):19-26.

8. 范佳伟*, 肖举乐*, 温锐林, 张生瑞, 黄云.内蒙古达里湖沉积记录的中晚全新世干旱事件[J].第四纪研究,201939(3):701-716.

9. 张生瑞*, 肖举乐, 温锐林, 范佳伟, 黄云, 李曼玥, 许清海. 东亚中高纬Heinrich 1事件的表现特征:呼伦湖孢粉记录[J].第四纪研究,201939(4):905-915.



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